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The young future of sustainable fishing

As the sun rises over the early morning silence of the Hawkesbury River and the clouds reflect off the perfectly still water, you might mistake this place as some sort of heaven. For young Paul […]

5 Australian marine science trail blazers, who are women

Today we have compiled a list of 5 amazing Australian based marine scientists who are female for #internationalwomensday. These women are dedicating their lives to better understanding our marine eco-systems and making the world a […]

Clean Up Australia Day Success!

On the banks of Kissing Point Park in Sydney school children and community members took to the habour side to keep Australia’s environment beautiful. The clean up area is a natural hot spot with mangroves […]

Our contributions

OUR INTERACTIVE MAP Successes and ongoing work The map below marks successful community and environmental impacts we have made over the years. Zoom in and click on the pins to reveal the positive impacts we […]

Why does aquaculture matter in NSW?

With increasing demand for high quality seafood, aquaculture is a growing industry in NSW. Aquaculture has been undertaken in a number of countries around the world and has grown rapidly worldwide in the last 50 […]

Youth Clean Up Australia day with us!

  Professional fishermen from Sydney and local community members will take to the waters and land on March 3rd to collect rubbish for Clean Up Australia Day in an effort to keep Sydney Harbour healthy. […]

Love fish? Celebrate with us!

On April 14th 2017 it’s your chance to get involved with your local fishermen and eat some fantastic local seafood supplied directly from the NSW coast at our free Loaves and Fishes barbecue. We are […]

Students think critically about the Australian Seafood Industry

During August and September 2015, two OceanWatch Australia staff delivered 4 presentations to a total of 160 students from The University of Western Sydney at the Sydney Fish Market in Pyrmont. This year in September the […]

Marine News

Here you can find listed marine based news from all around Australia relevent to the fishing industry and marine conservation. The marine news section is a part of of monthly newsletter mail out you can […]

16 scientific minds converge

Coastal habitat restoration is a complicated process. That’s ok. Because, in the midst of all the coastal and marine habitat issues facing Australia, we brought together 16 of the best environmental scientists from around the […]

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