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Seismic survey death waves killing the building blocks of life

Deafening sound waves created during offshore surveys for oil and gas can kill microscopic plankton, according to a new study. The research showed significant impacts on the target species – with a two to three-fold […]

Waste from the wine industry is being developed into aquaculture feed

No longer do we need any more excuses to open another bottle of wine, because thanks to the great people at the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI)</a >and Barossa Valley company Tarac Technologies […]

4 shocking facts about ocean plastic for #WorldOceansDay

It’s #WorldOceansDay today and here a 4 facts that will make you never use single use plastics again…..ever. 1 It takes three times more water to manufacture a plastic bottle than it does to fill […]

Aussie fishers take on ocean plastics

“We care about the ocean too” Professional fishers are turning the tide against ocean plastics. Check out the video below to learn how Aussie fishers I taking on the issue of marine debris.    

How to be an eco friendly beach goer

Whether your swimming, hiking , four wheel driving or wading through the waters here are some basic tips you can use to love your local beach. 1. Careful where you step! There are many fragile […]

Waging the war against White Spot

With 2137 km of Coast line ahead of him and a passion for protecting our wild catch fisheries, Michael our program manager has been working with the Professional Fishermens Association (PFA), Queensland Seafood Industry Association […]

Change these two things for a healthier marine environment

In our society where convenience is king future generations are going to look back at our fast fix obsessed society and wonder how it all went so wrong. The good news? We have compiled a […]

Mobile app launched to protect Australian fisheries and aquaculture

Australia’s fishing industry is valued at $2.8 billion and support jobs, regional communities and food security. We think that that is something worth protecting and this new innovation that is aimed at protecting Australia’s Aquaculture […]

What is sea foam and why does it happen?

If you look at ocean water in a clear glass, you’ll see that it’s not clear but full of tiny particles. Seawater contains dissolved salts, proteins, fats, dead algae, detergents and other pollutants. If you […]

Mesmorizing tidal bores

These are some insane tidal bore waves in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia. This video was posted to the Facebook page, Fishing Australia TV. “35 kilometer-per-hour tides, 40-foot standing waves,800-meter whirlpools that are 100 […]

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