
The United Nations held an Ocean Conference and here is what happened | Oceanwatch Australia

The United Nations held an Ocean Conference and here is what happened

In June, the United Nations hosted its first large conference on saving and protecting the worlds oceans. The Ocean Conference, began Monday, June 5 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York coinciding with World Oceans Day on June 8.

This high level, “game-changing” Conference focused on the support and implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14, which aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.Among the issues at the forefront of discussions at the United Nation’s Ocean Conference is the vital link between oceans and climate change. Representatives and officials from countries all over the world are coming together to find a way to reverse the decline in the health of our oceans for the planet, for people and for prosperity.

The main areas of work at The Ocean Conference will be a political call to action, a segment on partnership dialogues and voluntary commitments. According to Ocean, the exact goals of the conference are here in this link.

Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods, globally, the market value of marine and coastal resources and industries is estimated at $3 trillion per year or about 5 per cent of global GDP so this conference is focusing in on much needed benchmarks and targets for nations all over the globe to aspire to.

Check out a snap shot of the conference below!


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