
TAngler Bin FAQ's | Oceanwatch Australia

TAngler Bin FAQ’s

Certain waste companies do recycle the line however because of the vast distances between bins and small qualities of line at this point in time it is not feasible to do so. The material should be deposited at landfill where it is out of harms way.
OceanWatch supplies the bins to interested landowners and land managers such as Councils. We are not resourced to service the bins once installed. Best get in touch with the local contact on the bin or your local council.
OceanWatch Australia has public liability insurance. For the purposes of this project, once a Council, local fishing club or other organisation joins the TAngler Bin Network and install the bins, liability for this project transfers to the appropriate landholder organisation. The land manager or land owner signs an agreement with Oceanwatch taking on all responsibility for the bins. Sometimes this is a council and often they are happy for Volunteers to take custodianship of the bins, seek advice from your local Council or your insurance broker if on private land. A standard warning is printed on the sticker related to the possibility of it containing sharps. It is recommended to place the bins at a reasonable height to remove the possibility of children being able to place their hands in the top.
Generally where a bin is placed and there is insufficient regular waste bins in the region the bin will collect all sorts of items. We take the attitude that its better collected and removed then discarded in the environment. It might indicate the need for a general waste bin in the vicinity?
Remove the screw base and use a piece of wire or old coat hanger to snag the material, pull this into a bag. We recommend you don’t put hands in to remove the waste due the possible presence of sharp items. This should then be taken to a landfill or disposed in general waste collection.
Best contact OceanWatch first to let us know your issue on (02) 9660 2262 or via email at We may be able to trouble shoot the problem as we have had many years experience working on similar issues.
Yes that’s possible as long as you still complete an agreement so we have a register of where the bins are being used. Ideally its a Tangler bin as the unique shape can act as both a bin and a behaviour change tool reminding fishers of the need to collect line to keep the spot tidy.
It might be it is in the wrong location, perhaps the method of fishing means there is very little waste. It could also mean that the bin is doing its job and people are acting more responsibly keeping line for later disposal. Best look around and see if the material is still present on the ground, has the amount increased or decreased from an earlier survey?
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